Six Common Myths About Dental Care

Thanks to the internet, news travels fast as the speed of light nowadays. However, rumors, urban legends, and myths spread quickly, too. That includes false beliefs about dental care. So we thought we’d take a few moments to clear up six common myths about caring for your teeth.

1. MYTH: Brushing my teeth several times a day hurts tooth enamel.

TRUTH: This is only partially true. Typically, brushing your teeth two times a day is enough. If you have an opportunity to brush your teeth more often (like after every meal), use a soft toothbrush to avoid damage to teeth.

2. MYTH: There’s no need to see a dentist if you don’t see or feel any problems with my teeth.

TRUTH:  Everyone needs to see a dentist twice a year, no matter how beautiful their teeth may appear. You need to  have your teeth professionally cleaned near the gum line and places you can’t easily see. Also, a tooth that looks healthy and white can still have cavities, problems with the root, or issues requiring treatment. A dentist can see these problems, and it’s always better to start treatment at the earliest stages.

3. MYTH: Putting an aspirin tablet beside an aching tooth can ease the pain.

TRUTH: Aspirin used this way does not work effectively for relieving toothache. Besides, it damages
soft tissues in your mouth. You’re better off visiting a dentist if you have chronic nagging tooth pain that won’t go away or have sudden extreme pain.

4. MYTH: Teeth whitening is harmful, since it can damage the enamel.

TRUTH: Modern teeth whitening methods–including laser teeth whitening or Air Flow technique– have minimal, if any, harmful effects. Nevertheless, teeth whitening is not for everybody. People with sensitive teeth, problematic enamel, children, adolescents, as well as pregnant and nursing women should delay or avoid teeth whitening.

5. MYTH: Good teeth can be inherited.

TRUTH: Just because mom or dad never had a cavity doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. Inheritance plays a very small role for good dental health. Maintaining proper oral hygiene and visiting a dentist regularly has a much bigger impact on dental health.

6. MYTH: There’s no need to worry about baby teeth because they’ll fall out in a couple years.

TRUTH: This is flat out wrong. If parents don’t properly care for their baby’s baby teeth, they may fall out prematurely and cause problems with bite or lead to improper development of their permanent teeth. Besides, it’s important to start educating your children and get them in the habit of good dental and oral hygiene as early as possible.

If you have further questions about dental care, feel free to give us a call. We suspect that new myths about dental care spring up just about as fast as we can debunk them in our blogs!